Today's office is in Charleston Harbor. I am working on the sequel to my first novel, Over My Dead Body: A Supernatural Novel. If you enjoyed my first novel and are interested in the first chapter of book two, please download The Bolognia Journal to your Kindle. It is chapter one of book two. I am about 40K words into the first draft of the novel, called Under The Shadow: A Supernatural Novel. It's such fun to hear from those who loved book one. The most incredible thrill is to listen to people say they had to pull out their Bible to research some of the concepts from the Bible that were in book one. Book two will contain even more great nuggets sourced from the Word of God. I plan to add a scripture reference at the end of this novel so you can look for specific concepts. For example, Phillip translated, just like some of the characters I am working on in book two. You can learn more about this exciting concept with Phillip in Acts 8:26-40.
Translations are about people moving from place to place or even through time to further the Kingdom of God. Phillip just showed up, and there was a eunuch there reading a scroll of Isaiah. He could have been reading one of the Dead Sea Scrolls since I know the book of Isaiah was one of the scrolls found in the Qumran caves. So much archeological evidence is available to us these days. We live in a truly fantastic time. The other cool thing about translations is as a form of time travel. If you are moving from place to place like Phillip, you are moving across time barriers. I have always been the biggest fan of time travel, and there will be plenty of that type of adventure in the sequel.
Would you like to learn more about my writing? You are welcome to listen to my podcast interview about Over My Dead Body. I look forward to hearing from you. Be blessed. -Kelly